Month: May 2020

TariffShark Software Update Available Now

TariffShark Software Update Available Now

On April 17, 2020, FERC issued a notice that introduced a new eTariff validation rule to become effective May 18, 2020. The new validation verifies that “Normal” and “Amendment” type filings contain at least one (1) “actual” (non-Pro Forma) tariff record.

A TariffShark software update (release 5.1.3) is available now that introduces a parallel validation. The new validation rule in TariffShark is “F065” and its message reads as follows:

When making a Normal or Amendment filing, the Filing cannot contain exclusively FTRVs of Record Change Type “Pro Forma”.

If you’re running TariffShark release 5.1.2, the only component affected is the Application Server (unaffected are the TariffShark desktop client and the TariffShark database). Consult the TariffShark Releases page to assess the impact to your installation.

For customers who utilize hosted TariffShark servers and are running a current software release, there is nothing for you to do. We will update your hosted server prior to May 18.

Please contact TariffShark Support at 847-252-1611 or at if you have any questions or concerns.

If you’re not yet using TariffShark to meet your FERC eTariff obligations, we invite you to contact sales and ask for a demo of TariffShark Tiger today.